How long does it take?The initial behaviour consultation is 1.5 hours. We spend this time discussing your pet's behavioural and medical history, the current problem, neurotypical and neuroatypical behaviours, a diagnosis, and a treatment plan to manage and modify your pet's behaviour.
Why is seeing a veterinarian for a behaviour problem different to going to a dog trainer?The focus of behaviour modification is very different from foundation skills training. A behaviour consultation is not a replacement for dog training classes. While foundation skills training is still an important part of teaching your dog good manners, behavioural problems are not the same as training problems. Many highly trained obedience and sport dogs still require a behavioural consultation as their problem is not related to training or lack thereof.
How long before my pet will improve?While many behavioural problems cannot be completely cured, their symptoms can be greatly reduced and managed so that your pet, and yourself, is no longer distressed. There is no easy answer as to how long this will take. Our pets are constantly influenced by the world around them, and therefore their behaviour is constantly evolving.
While there can be no guarantees in behavioural medicine, we can help you with many strategies to improve your pet's behaviour. In most cases there will be noticeable improvement. The outcome will depend on many factors. One of those factors includes your commitment to working with your pet. Is there medication that will help?In some cases, behaviour-modifying medications will be prescribed to help your pet better cope with their problem. There are no magic medications that 'cure' a behaviour problem, but we can help many of our patients by reducing their levels of anxiety, fear, or stress. This allows your pet to feel calmer and more receptive to learning new brain pathways.
How do I make an appointment?New clients can make an appointment by contacting us via email.
Current clients can use our Online Booking Portal. Do I need to go to the clinic to have a complete physical exam done first?Although a complete physical exam is not required, it is ideal to have your pet checked thoroughly before scheduling a behaviour visit. In many cases there can be underlying medical causes to the behaviour, and they will need to be addressed to successfully resolve the problem.
In many cases, a full blood profile is also recommended to rule out illnesses that may affect not only your pet's behaviour, but also their suitability for medication. With cases of inappropriate elimination both urinalysis and fecal examinations may be required. |